An artistic creation has all sorts of stages of development. It is in one's mind and then on paper or in clay or in electronic blips and blops. We finally see our thought on the page. We get to hold it in our hands. We can leave and come back and it is still there. It gains a period in time.
I walked into the home of my friends, Willie and Dan's, house and there hung a walking stick I had carved several years before, many miles away. What a rush!
Now I will catch a glimpse of a tee shirt that has one of my logos on it. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I did it. I want to look at it a while and try to remember what I was thinking at the time.
When I opened my application email from the Mens Fellowship today one of those stages of one of my creations was looking back at me. I really wanted something "common" and "naive". These guys work hard to battle demons and find places of peace. I'm looking a lot at "real" faces and body types.
Thanks to the Men's Fellowship for this chance to put some of me out there.